Course Evaluation Policy and Procedure
Midas Training Services Ltd expects all of our students to evaluate their courses and instructors. The data in these evaluations provides Midas Training Services Ltd valuable information in assessing our academic integrity and instructional practices. It’s also an opportunity for students to reflect on and integrate their expectations and methods of learning.
All courses are evaluated regularly to ensure the course is delivered to the highest standard, within the course review any problems must be corrected with immediate effect, Delay in corrections will result in the course being postponed until corrections are completed.
The Head of Centre and/or IQA administers the evaluation process. It is conducted in person, using the same form for all instructors.
Students receive the evaluation form only upon the course’s completion, and only if they have not withdrawn from the course.
All evaluations are anonymous.
Students who’ve submitted the course’s evaluation are eligible to receive their results once the instructor has submitted them, and the results are received. One results are received they will be distributed within 7 days. Students who do not submit an evaluation are entitled to the same.
Evaluation data is considered personnel data and so is stored and disclosed in accordance with The Data Protection and GDPR Act of 2018.
On the last date of the course, the centre will confirm contact information for the final time. To ensure results are provided within reasonable time frames.
The email to the instructors asks them to encourage their students to submit the evaluation in person during the delivery of the course.
Once evaluations have been completed it is the centres duty to ensure responses are sorted correctly and the responses are collated accurately.
Reviewing responses regularly to ensure the centre is delivering the highest standard of training.
This document is reviewed annually.